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The Wild and Weedy Emporium

Organic Chickweed (stellaria media)

Organic Chickweed (stellaria media)

Regular price £4.25
Regular price Sale price £4.25
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Chickweed has a long history of Medicinal uses with many books referencing it.

* Planet - Moon
* Element - Water
* Gender - Feminine
* Protection spells for children
* Fertility workings
* Carry in a pouch to attract love to you or if in a relationship to ensure fidelity and to
* Place in a muslin bag and add to your bath to bring a love connection on a date
* Open up travel opportunities
* Ideal in sleep and dream pillows and in teas for the same use

* Can be added to omelettes, soups, pies and stuffings
* Young leaves and shoots can be eaten raw or cooked as a potherb
* Cooked, fresh leaves very similar to spring spinach
* Add to salads

(Please contact you GP or Medical Herbalist especially if you are on medication, are pregnant or planning a pregnancy)

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